
Hi. My name's Emma.

In this video, I will

explain some of the different types of aphasia.

About one third of people who have a stroke have aphasia.

But it can also happen

because of a head or brain tumour

or from progressive neurological disease

No two people with aphasia

are the same.

This severity

varies from person to person.

It depends on the size

or area of the brain that has been damaged.

A person's aphasia can vary in

Type or intensity.

Some people

will have damage

at only one level

of the language process.

Others will have damage at

many levels.

The two main types

of aphasia are fluent and non-fluent aphasia.

I have Broca's aphasia,

which is a non-fluent type.

Sometimes called expressive aphasia.

I can understand what people say,

but my responses

are often only a few words.

My sentences are short.

I also have trouble finding the right words to say.

There is another

kind of non-fluent aphasia

called global aphasia.

These people will have trouble

Understanding what someone says,

what they read,

and will find it hard to talk and write.

The other type of aphasia is fluent aphasia,

sometimes called receptive aphasia.

Sufferers’ sentences will flow,

but they don't have a lot of meaning.

One common type

of fluent aphasia is Wernicke’s aphasia.

These people have trouble understanding

what others say.

And their sentences flow,

but sometimes words will come out wrong.

They also can't repeat what people say.

Primary progressive aphasia

is another type of aphasia

where language capabilities

slowly and progressively become impaired.

Aphasia is different for everyone,

depending on

which part of the language process has been damaged.

This is what makes it hard to treat.

The good news is that help is available.

And continual work improvements will happen.

A speech therapist

can design therapy

to help you with your specific needs.

But more on that in a later video.