
Hi, I'm Emma.

When you have aphasia,

it can be very frustrating.

It's also hard for a person

to know how they can best

communicate with you.

In this video,

I would like to share some of the tips

to help communicate

with a person with aphasia.

People with aphasia

can still communicate.

It may be different than before.

You can get your message across

without speaking in full sentences.

For example,

you can use one or two words.

Or point or draw a picture

of what you are trying to say.

Sometimes it may be easier to write a message down.

Facial expressions and gestures

also help with communication.

Ask a yes or no question.

Or use a rating chart

with emojis

such as very good

to bad faces.

A person who has severe aphasia

may have a picture communication chart

with common words

used in a day.

For example,

breakfast, lunch, dinner,

get dressed

and television.

Yes, no, slow down.

I understand. And I don't understand.

A list of numbers

may be useful too.

These are just a guide.

Ask the person with aphasia

or their speech therapist

what works best for them.

Be patient and give the person with aphasia time.

Show them you value their contributions.

And please include them in conversations.

Let them know their thoughts and feelings matter to you.

If a group of people are visiting,

try to ensure

that only one person talks at a time.

Reduce background noise.

Use short, clear sentences,

simple words,

and ask questions

that can be answered

yes or no.

For example,

do you want an apple or a banana?

Not what do you want?

Check the person understands you and emphasise key words.

Keep to only one thought per sentence.

If they had not understand you

give more information.

Or repeat the message in a different way.

Don't be surprised if the person with aphasia

is emotional or uses swear words.

This is common after the stroke.

Be aware of fatigue.

Learning to talk and communicate again

is a lot of brain work

and is very tiring.

Accept that a person with aphasia

may not be able

to be involved

in long conversations.

Follow their guide

and give them the rest they need.

Be patient.

Don't shout.

Don't change the subject quickly

or jump from topic to topic.

And please don't treat us like a child.