
Hi, I'm Emma.

This episode

is about the importance

of continuing

speech therapy.

The speech pathologist

or speechie,

as I like to call them,

will work with you

to provide

your language skills.

Family and friends

should also seek advice

from your speechie

to learn

the best ways

to communicate with you.

A speech pathologist

should first conduct

some tests

to work out

what you are able to do

and what your language

difficulties are.

if it doesn't happen,

seek it out.

Language therapy

should begin

as soon as you are ready,

either as an inpatient

or outpatient.

If it doesn't, ask why.


I did not receive

regular speech

therapy as an inpatient,

and I was not happy

with this.

Ask the question

and seek advice.

The length of time

that the person

is treated

by a speechie varies

according to progress

and the health care policy.

If you are eligible

for NDIS,

ensure that speech

therapy is included

in your plan.

The Stroke Foundation

can assist you

with filling out

your NDIS forms.

If you are older,

seek advice

from a doctor

about how to fund

ongoing therapy.

Speech therapy

is something

that I know

I will need to work on

for a long time.


I have a great speechie,

who tailors

my therapy

to the things I need.

For example,

when I returned to work,

she helped me improve

my vocabulary


to the needs of my job.

It's important

to do any homework

your speechie sets you.

Practice, practice, practice.

Set goals

with the help of your speechie,

and/or family and friends.

Do something

every day

for your recovery.

For example,

I love doing Find-A-Words,

and they help me greatly

to relax myself

in reading and spelling.

I wanted to improve

my reading skills.

So I practice every night.

I am managing

to read books slowly

but surely.

Don't compare yourself

with others.

Just compare yourself

with you.

The more repetition,

the greater

the opportunity

to remember the language

you have lost.

You have to accept

that you have had

a significant brain injury

and it might not be possible

to regain everything

you have lost.

But recovery

can continue

for a long time.

I am also fortunate

that my aphasia

communication group

is supported

by a speechie

and students.

Every fortnight

they provide our group

with language activities

to work on.

Even though

this is generalised

and sometimes easy for me,

I use the opportunity

to help other members

of our group

do the work.

My best tips are ...

Number one.

Seek out the services

of a good speechie.

If you are not happy

with your current one,

ask for advice.

Or check out

The Speech Pathology Australia


for a speech therapist

near you

that specialises

in aphasia.

Number two.

Find out

if there is

a communication group

near you

that you can join.

If not, many offer

Zoom links

for those who live

in rural areas.

Number three.

Check out the websites

of organisations

like the

Australian Aphasia Association.

They specialise

in supporting people

with aphasia

in their own communities.

Never quit

and stay strong,

determined and positive.