Hi, my name's Emma, and I had a stroke seven years ago.
My stroke was caused by a clot in my left carotid artery,
which left me paralysed in my right arm and leg.
I also have a condition called aphasia.
I am going to record a series of videos about aphasia.
I will offer my tips and practical advice
for living with aphasia.
I hope you will enjoy them.
Aphasia is a loss of language due to damage
of the language centers in my brain.
This has affected my ability to talk in sentences,
spell, speak and comprehend large passages of text.
About one third of people who had a stroke have aphasia.
Aphasia is frustrating.
Sometimes I say the wrong words
or leave words out
or can't find them at all.
Some people with aphasia
have trouble with numbers.
I'm okay, but I must concentrate.
I used to love reading, but now it's hard work.
If you give me five instructions at once,
I can't retain them all.
But if you give me one instruction at a time,
I can manage.
Aphasia is a hidden disability that people cannot see.
Sometimes if I'm having trouble getting the words out,
people may think I'm on drugs, drunk or just stupid.
But I'm not.
Aphasia is not a loss of intelligence.
It is a loss of language
that affects the way I communicate.