A stroke is when blood can’t get to all parts of your brain. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients for your brain cells. If blood can’t get through, your brain can be injured.
An easy way to remember the signs of stroke is the F.A.S.T. test: F – face, A – arms, S – speech, T – time to get help.
If you see any of the signs, call triple zero (000) straight away. Even if you aren’t sure, or the signs only last for a few minutes, call triple zero (000).
After a suspected stroke everyone should have a brain scan. Other treatments and medications will depend on the type of stroke and what caused it.
Stroke affects everyone differently. It depends on:
- Which part of your brain was injured
- How badly it was injured.
Rehabilitation is where you work on things that have changed since your stroke. Your rehabilitation team will help you to do things again and find new ways to do things.